
The fiswidgets project is developing Java graphical user interfaces for a number of neuroimaging analysis packages (e.g. AIR, AFNI), and a graphical computing environment (analysis desktop) in which to link together individual graphical user interfaces as subcomponents in multi-step processing streams. The software consists of the current set of graphical user interfaces, the desktop and workbench computing environments, and, the Java toolkit (API) used to create graphical user interfaces.

We are transitioning to this SourceForge site from our former site, please go to that site at for more information until the transition is complete.

Current release 2.3 is available for download. Please go here to download fiswidgets.


Fiswidgets development was funded jointly by the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and National Cancer Institute, under the auspices of the Neuroinformatics/Human Brain Project, grant #RO1 MH62006, Usability and Interoperability of Neuroimaging Software.

To learn more about the Neuroinformatics/Human Brain Project, please visit their homepage.

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Last updated March 2005